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Long Story Short

SeizingPsych, Inc. 
SeizingPsych, Inc. was certified as a 501(c)(3) organization in February 2017. Prior to certification, the organization was incorporated in 2016, and has engaged in community outreach and education endeavors since 2008. 
Executive Board Members


President: Nickole Kanyuch 

Nickole is a second year MD/PhD student at the University of Maryland and alumna of the University of Pennsylvania where she completed her undergraduate career studying the Biological Basis of Behavior. She has contributed to research at the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, the University of Pennsylvania, the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, and the US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense. Nickole hopes to spend her career investigating the genetic, epigenetic, structural, and molecular variation underlying the development of schizophrenia and other psychiatric diseases. 

Vice President: Kristan Kanyuch 

Vice president and previous community advocate for the Harford County Office on Mental Health, Kristan is a dedicated mother of two. After participating in the National Alliance on Mental Illness's Family to Family program, she trained to become a NAMI Family to Family instructor in Harford County, Maryland.

Secretary: Peter Moon

Peter began volunteering for mental health organizations in his college years at the University of Pennsylvania. There, he was a board member and later President of Active Minds Penn, a mental health awareness organization that seeks to reduce college campus suicides by opening up conversations about mental health and reducing stigma around mental health treatment. He also served as a founding co-Chair of Bridge, a group focused on the promotion of mental wellness in freshmen, and the Chair of Penn Wellness, a funding organization for mental health initiatives. He is pleased to continue his work in the field of mental health as a board member for Seizing Psych. Outside of mental health, Peter works as a math teacher for Archbishop Curley High School.

General Board Members

Education Chair: Brad Freda 
Social Media Chair: William Garrett

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